day 1: Patri droites and gauche. Droite was steep and not always easy to place protection.
day 2: Candelabro del Coyote and first pitch of Tutto Relativo. First pitch of Coyote cool cauliflower ice, second pitch was steep and interesting to climb... the pillar of tutto relativo looks good from the valley but it is still thin and wet!
day 3: Thule, nice climbing, second pitch wet, in the afternoon we were climbed at the mixed sector between Lillaz and Cogne.
day 4: it was warm during the night and we decided to spend climbing in the mixed sector, cool climbing spot.
Patri approach
pitch 1 Patri

Patri droite et gauche
Patri de gauche

Patri droite climbing..
first pitch of Coyote
first pitch of Coyote
second pitch of Coyote
first pitch of Thoule
second pitch of Thoule
mixed arena